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Monday 20 August 2012

10 silly excuses people give for cheating

I've always wondered why people cheat when they're in a relationship (dating or married). Why? Its very difficult to rationalise in my mind and its even worse when they (the cheater) choose to stay with you (the cheatee) and act like everything is cool. I know that to actually discuss why people cheat we must first define what cheating is. So what does it mean to cheat?

There's physical cheating and there's emotional cheating. Essentially they both mean doing things with someone else that you have agreed to only do with your partner (physically or emotionally). This is however a very wide definition and the actual acts that qualify as cheating will vary from couple to couple.

Personally i think the emotional cheating is the absolute worst..i can deal with someone having something physical with another person while we're together, but when its emotional its a whole new ball game. I say this because unlike girls, guys are able to separate a physical connection from an emotional connection (don't ask me how). Its more difficult for me to deal with the knowledge that someone else makes my partner smile the way i should, or that there's someone else they'd rather talk to than me..no oh!

We hear some silly reasons when people cheat sha, some that i've heard about include:

1. I was bored.

2. I wanted him/her to catch me abeg, i don tire for am.

3. I told you i was going to pay you back, didn't i?

4. I just love the feeling i get when i do something i shouldn't be caught doing.

5.It wasn't me, i was high!

6. I love you, i just wanted to be sure that i'm still attractive to other people.

7. Its your fault, everytime i cheat you forgive me.

8. I don't know why i did it.

9. You're not treating me right.

10. You no gree nack...

what do you consider cheating? what excuses have you or your friends heard for cheating? let us know..

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