
Tuesday 14 August 2012

DEVOTIONAL- 14th August, 2012

TEXT: Nehemiah 1:3
3 They said to me, “Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem has been torn down, and the gates have been destroyed by fire.”

The incidences that happened in Jerusalem began, as soon as the walls were torn down.
Walls are very important for the safety and smooth running of any Kingdom. They signify boundaries, defence and protection. Every Kingdom without walls, is prey for the enemies.
When the Children of Israel wanted to take over Jericho, it was important that for them to succeed, the extra-fortified walls of Jericho was destroyed first. By the help of God, this was done.
The bible tells us in Rev 5:10 that we have become a Kingdom of priests for our God,
and we will reign on the earth.
If we each of us, as Children of God is a Kingdom, then its important that our walls are extra-fortified by the Holy Spirit, so that the enemy would have no power to go through.
It has been confirmed that, its mostly booming and growing Kingdoms that stand to be prey for the enemy, so they look for every means to enter. The more reason why, as Christians, we have to be extra careful.(Let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall).
So u see people going through different crisis in life, its because their walls, their defences have broken down. Those walls can be built up again, through the help of the Holy Spirit
PRAYER: Father, give me the grace and strength to keep my walls extra-fortified, away from the enemies attacks In Jesus Name.

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