
Thursday 2 August 2012

The Spa Magic Team Profile...Munachi Oyeka

Munachimdinma is my name (*smile*, yea I know,lenghty much) call me Muna for short. I'm from a family of 7kids,with 3big sisters which ultimately exposed me to the life of fashion at quite an early age,hence my love for fashion.

Having lived in Lagos for the most part of my life and being a law graduate from the university of Lagos (unilag),I'd like to think of my self as a 'Lagos babe' through and through. It was during my years in unilag that I met my friends and spamagic team mates Tosin and Ese,We made such a great connection and had similar dreams that after we graduated we decided to start up this blog......its been long coming.

To me style is a personal thing,its not just the latest trend or what is invogue, it's being comfortable in your own skin regardless of what your wearing yet giving people something worth looking at. One of my favourite style icon of all time has got to be kim kardashian,simply because whatever she wears,she rocks and owns it.
 Following my flare for and vast knowledge on fashion and style, yours sincerely will be handling the fashion,beauty and style segment and I'l also be bringing to your reading delight entertainment news from around the world as it breaks.


  1. U're sure u'll do a gud job bringing us latest fashion updates...*thumbs up*

  2. looking forward to reading fashion tips

  3. Oh my word! We both luv kim k's. Sense of style...can't wait to read ur tips and articles on fashion


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