uN-ixqjeCpCVR7yuaD7Lw7nbj8w www.superwomannig.com: The Spa Magic Team Profile...Tosin Pearl Ayeni


Thursday 2 August 2012

The Spa Magic Team Profile...Tosin Pearl Ayeni

My name is Tosin Pearl Ayeni(had to name myself "pearl", cos my parents didn't feel the need to give any of their kids english names, so I came up with "Pearl", cos its a precious stone with qualities just similar to my personality). By the way, my "crazy friends" just don't get it.
Anyway, I come from one of the western states in Nigeria. Born and bred in Lagos, in a family of 5children, where I am the 2nd born and 1st girl(so you can imagine how much responsibility I carry).
Out of all my siblings, I was the only one who had my Secondary school education, travelling around the country(lol), from Jos to Ibadan, then back to Lagos(till tomorrow, I still wander why I ws sent to Jos in the first place), but I guess its one of the experiences that has formed my travelling hobby.
Had my University education in the famous and prestigious UNILAG(I resent and reject the name Mr President gave my prestigious School), where I studied Law, and where I also met my the SpaMagic Team(wow! We've known ourselves for over 7yrs now). Afterwards went to Law School, then did my NYSC .

We knew we wanted something more out of life, something asides the regular rat race in Lagos, besides we had started something like this in Uni, but it never really worked out, probably because we were so many involved(like they say too many cooks spoil the broth). Anyway it was on that basis we decided to start Spa Magic(we had serious brainstorming sessions, before we arrived at this name ooo)
Its going to be 100% fresh, in that its totally different from the regular blogs, because we are not just centered on one topic.

Any article on Career and Spirituality you see on this blog, would be coming from my Pen. I chose these two, because its what best describes me.
I can assure you that the articles would keep you glued


  1. HmMm...some corporate sturvs....I like the sound of this....would kip checking ur blog...*thumbs up*

  2. Please I hope you'l also post info on job openings...I'l def keep checking this blog

    1. U'll def hav job posts.
      @Kevin, thanks for ur comment, the whole idea is for the blog to catch the attention of a larger audience.

    2. Nice one Tosin....Im more than sure that the spamagic team will go places...however I Take SERIOUS OFFENCE to the "too many cooks spoil the broth part of your profile...lol. Its all good though, its a great thing you guys have started.


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