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Sunday 19 August 2012

why aren't Nigerian churches taxed?

The USA won the just concluded London olympics by gaining 104 medals, 46 gold medals, 29 silver and 29 bronze. However it has been stated that their winnings will be subjected to taxation...people have argued that this amounts to being punished for their success..is this a right or wrong opinion? i do not particularly care.. i'm more concerned with something else though...

Without messing around i'm gonna ask really quickly...why aren't Nigerian churches taxed? yeah i know churches aren't really taxed anywhere, neither are NGO's because they are asumed to be doing good for the people as missionaries and it is also believed that before money gets to churches tax has already been paid on it.
I'm gonna say this just once..Nigerian churches are big businesses and should therefore be subject to tax..i do not expect many of you to agree with me, but kindly read to the end before you decide.
Churches are believed to earn their tax-exemption by contributing to the public good. Churches offer numerous social services to people in need, including food, shelter, schools for poor families, etc. Somehow they are believed to relieve the government of doing work it would otherwise be obliged to undertake.
How many Nigerian churches do all this? (apart from when they wanna use it to do publicity and attract more members). Can tithe payers children afford to attend the schools this churches have built from their tithes and contributions?
We pay taxes on our personal income, churches don't. Yet when its time to embark on projects somehow someway all the money we have contributed in tithes and offerings seem to vanish and we have to start afresh, contributing for each individual project.
I hear you saying why are you complaining? Don't we do it voluntarily? My question to you is do you really make contributions voluntarily or are you morally, spiritually and religiously blackmailed to contibute?
Our churches should declare their profits to the FIRS (or state IRS as the case may be) and they should pay taxes on their profits.
what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Considering the rate at which new generational churches spring up everyday, I totally 200% agree with this article.


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