
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Stick with it!!

They say Persistence and Patience are important keys to success, and I totally believe it. The fact that you tried out a business, a job, a competition, whatever, and it didn't turn out well, doesn't mean you should give up on it.

"If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself up and try again"
Failing in something that you 100% believe is your dream and passion, doesn't mean it isn't yours.
I'll like to share something I stumbled on, and I believe you'll be inspired.

A small boy navigated life from a newspaper boy to become the President of the world's largest democracy. He won the highest national civilian award of India the Bharat Ratna. He is H E. Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

His school teacher assessed him as a weakling in mathematics but he went on to postulate the theory of relativity. The world attaches a lot of importance to the research of Albert Einstein.

With less than four years of schooling and his father in prison this boy started his career pasting labels on bottles in a rat-infested warehouse. He mailed his first manuscript to a publisher in the dead of the night so that no one would ridicule him. Charles Dickens is
today regarded as one of the best writers of all times.

5am to 7pm, day after day this boy swept, maintained records and did all menial jobs. H. G. Wells later went on to enthrall the world with his science fictions.

The19th President of US Rutherford Hayes undermined the potential of Alexander Graham Bell telephone in1876 by blurting out "Nobody would ever talk on such a thing!"

7 long years of rejections from 20 big Corporations made Chester Carlson to approach a tiny company called Haloid in Rochester to commercialize production of photocopiers popularly known as Xerox.

A candidate for a newsreaders job was rejected because of his voice and was also told that his name was peculiar. He grew up in his career and he is Amitabh Bachchan.

A music recording company turned down a gold mine in 1962 by murmuring at the incomparable Beatles "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out."

Ms.Norma Jean Baker was advised after audition to try secretarial line by Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue Book Modeling Agency in 1944. She left her stamp as Marilyn Monroe.

Grand Ole Opry manager Jimmy Denny in 1954 told an aspiring music genius to try truck driving and the artist went on to become Elvis Presley.

A girl lost her legs in an accident but she had not lost her confidence. She with the help of artificial legs went on to become a Bharthanatyam exponent. This danseuse Sudha Chandran continues to inspire the masses.

A clerk on a meager salary spent his spare time carrying on, unaided research. He was striking out a new path and his peers found his work startling. He wrote a letter appealing "I am already a half starving man. To preserve my brains I want food and this is my first consideration". Dr. Srinivasa Ramanujam FRS contribution of 4,000 theorems continues to baffle scientists. He said "An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God".

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