
Wednesday 26 September 2012

How to find Mr. Right

In our Nigerian society it is expected that women wait to be found by the very elusive Mr. Right and quite frankly we wait, and wait, and wait some more. While we wait we keep hearing about our friends finding him, getting engaged, asking us to be bridesmaids, getting married, even having cute little babies.Yet we wait.We wait because we remind ourselves that even the bible says 'he who finds a wife...', yes, God expects us to wait,he expects us to be found.

The only problem is he hasn't found us! We start to wonder why he's taking so long to find us (is he short-sighted?blind?) or are we the one's with the problem? Are we too fat, or too dark or not fashionable enough? Its probably because we haven't joined a department in church yet. No, its because we're not social enough, we should probably hit the clubs more often, no?

Today i'm back on track thanks to my darling Aderemi, and so i'm writing on the steps i think we ought to take to find 'Mr Right' when you continue..

Become Ms. Right
Instead of just searching for a man who is God-fearing, loving, generous, hard-working as well as any other quality you have on your list, use that list to appraise yourself. How many of the qualities you're looking for do you actually have? Are you the best woman you can be? Are there areas of your life that you can improve on?

Look like Ms. Right
Dress responsibly yet fashionably. Use make-up to enhance your beauty not to create an artwork. Hit the gym if you know you need to shed a few pounds (i should take my own advice oh! haba). Dress right for your size.

Make your list 
The good thing about being single is that you have time to figure out what you really want,so make your list. Qualities he has to have, qualities you'd like but you can compromise on, things like that.

Forget your past
You dated a/an (insert tribe here) guy, he cheated. It was difficult to move on, so you can't date one again. Yet the only guys you meet are from that tribe...#hiss..Get over it, its in you past..besides that's just one guy, don't let him ruin it for the really good ones out there waiting to meet you.

 Prepare to be hooked-up
Don't act insulted when people try to hook you up with someone. Actually its a lot safer than meeting a total stranger because at least in this case you have a friend in common. So tell family and friends what you're looking for.

Go out
He's probably not gonna find you if you never go make a move. Go to church, go to the mosque,go out for lunch, go to weddings, naming ceremonies.
Be patient
Nothing good comes easy, believe that.

If you have any tips you'd like to add please feel free to help me out.

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