
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Beauty Formular 101

I  have come to the realization that, just like many other ladies out there, i have had to deal with skin drama time and time again unlike other lucky sisters who have been blessed with perfect,smooth and blemish free skin. Ladies don't you just hate when that girlfriend of yours with skin to die for starts making a fuss over the tiniest of spots or acne that comes up on her face..( annoying right ? ).

Well i have had to deal with skin issues from acne to spots and so i have decided to write about this oh so very important issue. Don't get me wrong , am no expert but as they say experience is the best teacher and haven tried a lot of beauty products and done a lot of research,i have come to gather a certain level of experience and knowledge on this issue. so join me ladies,on this quest for that perfectly even and divine skin we all long for. This week we'll start with the basics. What is your skin care routine?

Daily Routine
  Cleansing of  the skin is the first step,this is essential in removing make-up and dirt residue,it allows your skin to breath and it also prepares the skin for the other steps to be taken.
There are different ranges of skin cleansers available in the market,from cleansing bars to cleansing face wash,cleansing milks and cleansing foams.However,when selecting from the range ,ensure that whichever one you opt for has a P.H balance (i.e the required acidity level) clearly written on it and also check that it doesnt contain any ingredient you might be allergic to.

 The job of a toner is to cleanse out left over residue from after cleansing and also to ensure an even-toned skin. My take on toning is that as long as its a mild toner and not a straight-on bleaching agent,then yes you can use it.
Bracers,tonics and astringents are the most recommended toners, again let me point out that you check to make certain that you are not allergic to any ingredients present in the product you choose.


This should be done after after you must have cleansed and toned ,as it helps to enrich the skin and repair dead layers of the skin. moisturizing helps in balancing the skin by supplying and locking-in moisture into the tissues of the skin and this helps the skin glow.
When choosing from the different moisturizing creams or lotions available in the market, ensure that it contains SPF as this protects the skin from the rays of the sun thus protecting your skin from sun burn.

Weekly Routine :

I feel i should clarify any myth you may have heard about steaming having a damaging effect on you skin tissue, this is very wrong. steaming your face once a week or twice in a month ( for those with extra sensitive skin ) is good for the skin, it opens up clogged pores of the skin and  lets the skin breath and therefore enabling the rejuvenation of the skin. steaming can be done by using the face steamer equipment or by heating up water,pour into a bucket and place your face over it,wrapping it over with a towel so as not to let off the steam, steaming shouldn't exceed 20 mins.

Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells and the opening of blocked pores in the face. it should be done once a week or every other week but never on daily basis.
Exfoliators range from face scrubs (grainy or pebble-like ) to skin peels. I have a very sensitive skin and using scrub with grains and pebbles gave me irritation so for people with sensitive skin,i recommend the skin peel but this might not generally be the case.


Face masks are basically used to tighten the pores after steaming .so that dirt does not lock into your pores,face masks also help in soothing any redness caused by acne and it also nourishes the skin. There are a whole lot of different face masks ,examples are clay mask,peel-off mask,latex mask,natural mask-such as honey mask,banana mask,oatmeal mask e.t.c . I shall talk more on natural face mask in subsequent topics.

In conclusion,for your weekly facials,ensure to steam your face ,then either exfoliate and use a face mask or do either of the two and then lastly moisturize.

So there you have it,i hope i have been of help, if there's anything you'll like to add or even correct in this list please feel free to do so by commenting .


  1. I enjoyed reading this article..thumbs up 4rm zubyrega

  2. Great job girls..I will definitely give it a shot..Bisi

  3. I have never come across such a beautiful piece of article as regards this facial treatment subject..thanks for throwing more light on it...Chika from ikotun

  4. Wow! I can't wait to try this! Ginika from Benin.

  5. Nice one girls. Welldone.


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