
Saturday 3 November 2012

What Men wish Ladies knew - strictly for the Ladies

Ladies,do you often wonder what your man is thinking ,what you could do to better your relationship,or even how to get a man,well this is for you, relationship advice from a guy's perspective.

-Its cool to make the 1st move on a guy you like,just make sure its a subtle move,not too obvious because remember guys like to be the chaser not the chased.

-Sometimes,ladies should take the initiative in the bedroom,take the lead role ,don't just be at the receiving end all the time.

-Guys can actually truly be just friends with another female, so don't flip or get jealous.

-We need our guy time to hang out with our boys and time away from our girlfriend always helps us appreciate our girlfriends better.

-Communicate about sex, tell your man what you like or prefer in bed,instead of faking it in bed.

 -Don't pretend to like everything we like e.g sports,we know you truly don't and this can be a turn off sometimes.

-Don't get upset with us if it takes us time to text you back or call you back, because we might truly have
other things going on at that time.

- Don't keep going on and on about your ex or your past relationships except you are asked and most importantly, don't compare us with your ex.

-Say exactly what you mean ,we can't read your mind ,so don't expect us to read between the lines, we are not psychic.

  So Ladies over to you, feel free to agree,disagree or add your opinion..


  1. Nic write up, am so proud of my girls(Ese&muna). Will take note of d making d first move part*wink..tutu

  2. Great info. Noted by Ginika and Kika. Thanks Muna and Ese for this piece. Nice one.


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