
Wednesday 27 February 2013


I came across this article about the mistakes a lot of applicants make when they apply for Jobs nowadays, especially graduates. Funny but a lot of them are actually so true. Continue to see the mistakes..

'Cute' E-mail Addresses 

Even though your email does not guarantee the possibility of getting the employers attention, but you don’t want to take a chance. Some email addresses sound so childish and unprofessional. For instance,,,, do not sound professional. Register a new email. It’s free. Something like this is nice, or ... ( In other words use your name and surname).

Sent From My Blackberry

Ask many employers, they will tell you how disappointed they were each time they received CVs in their email that simply says “I’m interested.” or “This is my CV.” And below it you see, ‘Sent from my blackberry’. Come on grow up! This is very disrespectful. It also shows you are not mature or you are very unprofessional. What does it take to say something about yourself in the body of the mail and address your potential employer well? ( I actually don't get the 'sent from my blackberry' bit but i'm guessing that they're not saying you shouldn't send it from your blackberry phone, just make sure you add your cover letter.)

Telephone Contacts

If possible, include two phone contacts in your CV just to be on the safer side. And for the love of God, kindly unsubscribe from those reggae, gospel, hip hop and traditional dance caller tunes. Remember you are not the only one applying for this job so you should do everything right to get it. (hehe, that one hit home for me, quite frankly when i hear any of those funny caller tunes while calling someone its so difficult to take them seriously, just my opinion of course).

Family As References

Some applicants are so funny that references on their resumes share the same surnames as theirs. You can’t expect your parents, siblings or cousins to speak ill of you to an intending employer. Afterall, they all want you to get a job.
( i won't lie i use family as my referees oh, but not when we share the same surname haba!)

Omitting Internship Experience

We have seen fresh graduates who deliberately leave out internship work experience on their resumes. Keep it all there in a simple manner. Some employers do not care about what sort of job you have done before, but your understanding of a work environment.

Background Checks

 Before your potential employers do a background check on you, it would be wise to go online, type your name on google and see what comes up. No employer wants to associate with 'toutish' personalities. This is a good time to untag yourself from silly pictures on facebook, delete those abusive tweets on twitter, delete unruly comments by you on forums and watch what you share on the social media.


Employers can trick you with their questions to say something ill about your past employer (maybe during internship). Please be very positive about everyone that has ever had an encounter with you. If possible tell them “I cannot disclose so much because of the confidentiality on my past contract letter.”

Oya don't lie which ones have you ever been guilty of?


  1. None *big smile*

  2. Very helpful article...spamagic keep it up

  3. Guilty of badmouthing past employers and it didn't work out so well in d end, cos they feared I'd say d same aboit them to some other people in future, lol

  4. A gr8t write up, keep it up. Its a gr8t lesson.

  5. Excellent write up. Spamagic am happy u be ur frd seriously

  6. Olukayode Fabunmi2 March 2013 at 21:50

    Well done. This will help a lot of your readers.


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