
Friday 23 August 2013


So according to The Leadership paper, an upper area court sitting in gombe made this order. Ladies, do you have something you want the courts to know? Read my bio i'm a lawyer, and no this isn't soliciting (eyes rolling)..

The story when you continue

the Upper Area Court II, Gombe, has ordered David, a 25-year-old, undergraduate to pay the sum of N80,000 to his fiancĂ©e, Binta Williams, as part of claims for the ‘damages’ which he inflicted on her within the two years in which they co-habited as lovers.

Williams had accused David as having “camped and used” her for almost two years in his room, while promising to marry her. The accused, confessed that he impregnated Binta twice and aborted the pregnancies, while promising to marry her, but had pled with her that she would have to wait for him to graduate within three years.

Williams revealed to the court that the accused had harassed her and thrown her belongings away, telling her that the “relationship is over,” and that despite all her efforts to resolve issues, he did not want to see her again. Williams also said that she had reported him to the nearest police station for them to be reconciled.

“He used and dumped me, after sleeping with me for quite long; he said he would marry me, but he didn’t. Now, I am claiming damages of humanity,” Wiliams told the court.

Binta prayed the court to make David pay her the sum of N500,000 for the damages, but the judge, Alhaji Salihu Baffa, advisedly ruled that the accused pay her the above mentioned amount.

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