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Tuesday 7 August 2012



TEXT: Matt 6:33(NLT)- "Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need"
As humans we have needs and desires. In Economics, I learnt that human wants are insatiable. In the srciptures, there's a clause to having all that we need and desire, which is that, we should seek God, seek His word, seek to know Him more and know hw He works.

Is there anything you need or desire and its not coming to fulfilment, is it a new job, the fruit of the womb, breakthrough in your finances etc, how about taking your focus from that need and focus on God and His word. I can assure you that your needs will begin to come to a reality.
PRAYER: God help me, that I may focus on knowing you and your word in Jesus name. Amen

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