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Saturday 23 March 2013


Their wedding has been tagged as the celebrity wedding of the year, and why not? It is afterall the wedding of Innocent Idibia (2face) who is arguably one of Nigeria's greatest singers of all time, to Annie Macaulay who is an actress in her own right.

The amazing love story of Innocent and Annie Idibia has been told over and over again. Nonetheless, it’s one that, you would agree surmounts all doubt that love conquers all. If like me you've been wondering how they met and how their paths led them to this day(their wedding day).. then you should keep reading..

Friday 22 March 2013


A few days ago Controversial Actress/ attempted musician Tonto Dike poured her heart out on Twitter (her tweets are pictured above), sharing about a recent heartbreak she suffered.( the way she types though..yuck!). The Latest gist on this is that the details of the guy are now out. He is Caporahvenwah Okolie, popularly known as Chief Capo (pictured below with Tonto). The picture and more tweets when you continue..


This happened recently in Badagry area Lagos State, where a housewife died during sex with her neighbour, who is also married to another woman. The man, Lawrence Chukwuma, landed in trouble after he had sex with Mrs Lucy Joseph, 24 and the woman died in the process.

The incident happened at Oke-Morosun Magbon area of Badagry. On the fateful day, the 48-year old Chukwuma from Anambra State, southeast Nigeria, reportedly woke up early and pretended that he was going to pursue his business and later came back when his own wife and Lucy’s husband had gone out.

Man Rapes Daughters and Granddaughter

The man  pictured above has been accused by his wife of constantly violating his daughters and most recently his grandchild. 
A seven-year-old girl (name withheld and face blurred), has accused her 49-year-old father of rape. The girl said her father, Sylvester Ehijele, had on numerous occasions had sex with her, adding that he used to promise to buy her goodies and toys before the actions. 
She said he usually had sex with her on a daily basis whenever her mother was not home.
She said, “Whenever my mum is not at home, he grabs me, forces his hand over my mouth and then inserts his penis into my private part. He promises to buy me a car, cake and biscuit but he doesn’t buy anything for me.

Exit Of An Icon ;Rest In Peace Professor Chinua Achebe

Nigeria’s literary icon  and one of the world’s most celebrated writer,who wrote the classic novel Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, has passed on.
82-year-old Professor Achebe, died last night in a hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States ,source close to the family said the professor had been sick for a while,However, no official statement has been released stating the actual cause of death.
  He is survived by a wife, Christie Achebe and 4 children, Chinelo (daughter ), Ikechukwu (son), Chidi (son) and Nwando (daughter). He also left behind six grandchildren, Chochi, Chino, Chidera, C.J. (Chinua Jr.),Nnamdi and Zeal.
May his soul Rest in peace.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Ashanti Denies Ever Dating Rapper Nelly

Via Necolebitchie :

Ashanti may have spent the last ten years of her life in an on-again-off-again relationship with Nelly, however, she’s definitely not claiming it.
Recently, she stopped by Sway’s morning show to talk about her upcoming album Braveheart, and when asked if any of the tracks on her album would be about her past relationship with Nelly, she seemed to have no recollection of ever dating him. [Is this a new thing for celeb women? Rita Ora just revealed that she was never in a relationship with Rob Kardashian, even though he claims otherwise. What an ego crusher!]
 Here is what she said :
  On If Any of Her New Songs Will Be Based On Her Relationship With Nelly;
Who said we had a relationship? [laughs] What you talkin’ ’bout Willis? The name of the album is Braveheart, I’ve been recording for a couple of months now. I’m actually recording in Charleston, South Carolina which is really cool. There’s a lot of heartfelt records on there. I think everybody can relate because I’ve been writing my records since I came out and everything has been from real life experience and that’s how people relate

Lol ! I love Ashanti,i mean if the relationship ends, then it never existed in the first place jor, Nelly  wont find this funny at all o!

Modupe Ozolua Advices Women To Get Vaginal Reconstruction Done

CEO Body Enhancement Limited, Modupe Ozolua in an interview with Sun reporter,tells us the importance of getting vaginal reconstruction done.
Here is what she said :
"As long as women have vaginal birth, as long as they have intercourse, and as long as they age, at some point in time, they would need reconstruction. I'm not encouraging every woman to do it, just those who feel they need it or if their gynecologist advises them to do it. But women need to know that vagina reconstruction is different from vagina tightening. If you want to feel like a virgin again, I would ask you to see a gynecologist who will repair the appropriate muscles. Vagina reconstruction is different from going in and repairing whatever to restore virginity.

Popular Nigerian TV Presenter Shares Her Human Hair Ordeal

From Stella Dimokokorkus:
I dont care if you are selling indian hair,peruvian hair or latin hair,please read this very well and understand the spiritual implication..many of you are actually being haunted by many problems but you dont know that the source of your problems lies on the hair you carry around...all those ladies walking around like mammy water with indian hair please beware...beware...i actually got goose pimples reading this. Read Rachels story.

Rachel Edjeren is the MD/CEO of Rayzeds Media. She is a Producer, Presenter, Events & Celebrity Red Carpet Host, Public Relations (PR) Personnel/Consultant and an actress. She is the producer of the popular TV magazines 'TRENDS & RACHEL' and 'YANAYIN ZAMANI da RACHEL'.she is based in Abuja.
''My sister inlaw came to pray with me last two years. She said she was experiencing ill luck during the week. So many nasty things happening to her.I prayed wit her and the Spirit led me to ask her what hair she had on, she said indian. I was led to tell her to remove it and not give out but pray and burn it. She obeyed and things went back to normal. Sometime after that, my hubby and i watched a documentary on how ladies in India sacrifice their hair to the gods if they have nothing else worthy to sacrifice. 
My husband likes human hair. So even though I like my full dreadlocks kind of hairstyles, I give him what he likes most times. I have done brazilian and Peruvian hair so thought to try something different and more natural which is Indian hair.Last weekend I ordered for it and made it. Prayed on it and believed it was fine.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Who Wore It Better


Nigerian Tv presenter Tracy Nwapa versus Rihanna in Dolce and Gabbana animal print dress.They both look nice but who do you think owned the outfit?

How Ibinabo Reconciled Omotola And Genevieve

   Omotola and genevieve play boxing

Nollywood A-listers Omotola Jalade Ekeinde and Genevieve Nnaji, to the surprise of their fans  are now getting along with each other like never before despite the perceived enemity between them which they have denied in time past  .
Although both actresses have featured in movies together,however, according to Nigeriafilms.com that they only get along when they are in front of cameras but always return to status quo immediately after they get behind the cameras.

Check Out Chichi Igbo, A Nigerian Lesbian Football Player In Denmark

Chichi  asides from being a football player ,also makes youtube videos  showing how open she is about her sexuality. Her youtube videos have actually made her quite famous as her videos have gone viral . How many men have six-pack abs and biceps like this babe,if you are a guy reading this, this is the part were you start feeling sorry for yourself. I'm almost certain Chichi is always the guy in all her relationships. LOL! Check out more pictures.

Oga At The Top -Video

This video is about The Lagos state commandant of The Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC) Mr Obafaiyehe  Shem who had no clue what his ofiice web address is. This video has gone Viral,however for those who have not seen it,watch and enjoy....lol

Tuesday 12 March 2013


The first time i met Amina was at my friend Victoria's wedding, she wore a beautiful pair of shoes and i kept commenting on how beautiful her shoes were. Later that day we got to talk and she told showed me some of her designs, i was wowed , it was so hard to believe that such a young girl owned a company that made such beautiful shoes. 
In a bid to introduce her company to you our precious readers i had a mini-interview with her and got her to send in some of her designs. The interview and pictures when you continue..trust me you'll love this.


18 year-old girl, Miss Ladi Okoro who works at Mararaba, a suburb of Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, must have heard tales of how people fall victims of ritualists, yet she had not experienced one until Wednesday, 6th March, 2013 when some ritualists picked her and 2 others from the Mobile police Junction in Mararaba, after the young girl had closed from work.

Ladi who narrated her experience in the hands of the ritualists said she could only remember when the driver of the red taxi that picked them from the junction stopped for them to get into the car.

According to Ladi, it was like a movie scene as she only realized she was in trouble when she woke up midnight to discover that she was not in the house but in the midst of some strange faces.



By now you've seen what everyone wore to the AMVCA's..today we show you what celebrity couples attended with their spouses..when you continue

Sunday 10 March 2013


His half brother may be the most powerful man in the world but unfortunately Malik Obama failed miserably to win a gubernatorial seat in Kenya's recently concluded polls despite his very interesting campaign slogan which was; "Obama here, Obama there". The 54-year-old Obama, who shares a father with US President Barack Obama, won just 2,792 votes...some 140,000 behind the final winner in his bid to claim the seat for his home area in western Kenya.


Its no longer news that  Kim whaleashian  Kardashian is having a girl, it is however news that Kanye's baby mama has decided who she wants to act as godmother, will it be Beyonce, Lala, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall or Kylie?

An American website, is reporting that a very close family source has revealed that “Khloe will be the godmother.” This is so exciting for Khloe, especially since she has struggled with trying to have her own kids.

It might interest you to know that, Kourtney Kardashian also picked Khloe to be her son Mason Disick‘s guardian. Are they doing this to make Khloe feel better? In other news she don really start to dey resemble whale oh! hehe pregnancy levels us all..


Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, son of the late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya and Pastor Taiwo Odukoya of Fountain of Life Church got married to his heartthrob, Oluwakemi Sade Banjoko yesterday in London and it was a lovely affair.
In an interview with ThisDay Newspaper given prior to the wedding day, the couple speak about their love, romance and family.
continue to read their story :

"My Ex-wife Is Foolish" - Kayode Salako

Mr Kayode who recently got married to yoruba actress Foluke Daramola after leaving his legally married wife, had this to say about his former wife in a recent interview :

In a recent interview  Kayode revealed that his ex-wife, Bukola leaving the house for another woman to move in is an act of foolishness. ‘My wife that left was just being foolish and I will continue to tell the whole world that my former wife did not leave me because of Foluke Daramola because the question anybody should ask her is did I bring Foluke Daramola to her house, did she catch me on Foluke Daramola, did she catch us kissing and romancing, did I impregnate her, did I marry her before she left the house. Why should an established married woman pack her things and leave the house for a girlfriend to come and live if that woman is not foolish.

We know mr Kayode often speaks from the wrong side of his mouth,but i kind of agree with him on this one,i don't think a legally married wife should leave her matrimonial home for any reason save for being physically abused or battered,a womans matrimonial home is her territory,her domain and no one should be able to chase her away from it .

Faces At The Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards And Full List Of Winners

  Check out more pictures and full list of nominees form the first ever Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards after the cut

Friday 8 March 2013


The Beauty of a Woman BY AMANDA GRIFFITH
The beauty of a woman is not measured in her size,
it is seen from the love that glimmers in her eyes.
The love for her children, her mother, or her mate.
The love that grows every day with every step she takes.
The beauty of a woman is not measured in her clothes.
But the concern and consideration for others that she shows.
Whether it be a stranger who has lost his way,
or a friendly neighbor who's health has begun to fade.
The beauty of a woman is not measured by her hair.
But the simple gestures that she makes to show how much she cares.
A home cooked meal for her husband and roses for her mom,
a band aid on an injured knee to keep her baby calm.
When you look into my eyes what is it that you see?
Am I a beautiful woman? One you could never leave?
I will give you all my love and treat you like a king.
So you will see the beauty of a woman is deep within me.


I've never been a Mercy Johnson fan, but i read it and i loved her ,liked her  thought it was pretty decent of her to say..what do you think about it?

Some ladies have lost their thinking caps. Some found it but unable to use it. Must you clock 35 before you stop partying here & there? You already know all Eateries/ Hotels in town! You even know the tastes of their various ice-creams, pepper-soups, shawamas, etc. 
And you can tell the prices of their beers and wines offhand.

Funny, you're singing “No man is responsible.” 
*Which responsible man drinks to stupour and clubs every weekend? *Which responsible man samples you and your slutty friends randomly? 
more when you continue

Who Wore It Better?

                          Rukky Sanda                                 Marian Kekurah
Actresses Rukky Sanda and Marian Kekurah in black sheer gowns, they both look stunning, but who do you think rocked/owned the outfit ?

Check out Actress Dakore Egbuson Akande's Nose Job

Nollywood actress Dakore no doubt is a beauty to behold,the actress who has been off the public scene for a while now,however she was spotted at the party held to celebrate Nollywood at 20 years. We could not help but notice her nose had drastically change from the last time we saw her,it looks a little more narrowed and the tips look refined.

I think she looks gorgeous even without the nose job, was the nose job necessary? i'll let you guys be the judge of that.

Father Causes Daughter's Death Through Oral Sex

A 28 years old father,Steven Deuman jr has been sentenced to 2 life terms in prison for causing the death of his 3 month old daughter Evelynne when he oral raped her.

Deuman claimed that he went out briefly to smoke and when he returned ,he found his daughter on t6he floor,bleeding form the nose and unconscious. Deuman failed to call 911 but instead called his wife( Evelynne's mother) ,who then drove back home and tried to revive the baby but failed. However,paramedics  met up with them and after various attempts to resuscitate the baby failed,the baby was pronounced dead.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


The story you're about to read is an incredibly sad but true story. It is also a very long story that requires patience to really understand the pain described by the writer. It is her version of events and i cannot help but spread this story in the hope that someone somewhere would be willing and able to help her. 

On the 1st of March 2013, a Nigerian woman based in Canada named Amaka Munonye published a blogpost detailing her 15 year journey of abuse with her soon-to-be ex-husband. Amaka is sharing her story to garner support as she has lost custody of her 2 children and her fear is that her predicament will be permanent if she does not speak out.

Here is the link to Amaka’s blog – http://comehometomum.blogspot.ca/ |

In addition, she has launched a Facebook Page to rally up support - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Please-Help-Amaka-Munonye-Get-Her-Children-Back/433600363388337

Amaka’s story was also republished on popular relationship blog - Myne Whitman Writes

The following summary was published by Bella naija..(however i would prefer that you continue to read the story as written by Amaka after this summary.it is a very long write-up)


Amaka was a bright young medical student  at the University of Nigeria Nsukka when she had to leave her university because she was being harassed by a cult member who wanted “to marry her”. The cultists were arrested and she was advised not to attend any other university in Nigeria due to the fear of retaliatory attacks by fellow cultists.

She moved back to Lagos where her loving family began making arrangements for her to relocate to Canada. During this time, she had a job at a hospital.
She met a Ghanaian “pastor” who claimed he had visited her house to visit her brother. They became friends and one day after night vigil, she ended up at his house because her estate gate was locked. He raped her that morning.

After that, she was traumatized and stopped talking to him.
He kept stalking her to “forgive” him and convinced her that if she did not, she would be cursed. After years of waiting, her Canadian Immigration Application moved to the next stage when she forgave him. This convinced her that he was a powerful man of God and had some sort of supernatural influence over her.

Before she left for Canada, he assaulted her again – he then cut her and himself. At that time, he joined their open wounds and claimed they had a blood oath. He scared her by telling her that she or anyone she slept with would die.

When Amaka got to Canada, Chris continued to stalk her with incessant phone calls. At a point, she met up with an old crush, they made out (kissed) and kept in touch via the phone when he got back to Nigeria. She didn’t hear from him for a few weeks and then found out that he died. This traumatized her further and gave credibility to Chris’ claims about their blood oath.

For a reason she cannot explain, Amaka went to Ghana to marry Chris, she filed for Canadian Residency for him and also dropped out of school in Canada to move to Ghana to stay with him. Her parents did not know about her marriage or her move to Ghana. Chris used and abused her in Ghana including stripping her in public, beating her and more but still she stayed. She tried to leave a few times but always went back. 
continue to


Ever wondered what happens to men who seem to date one woman forever without commitment only to suddenly leave her and get married to another abruptly? this story is not likely to answer that question..its the painful story of a woman who suffered the same fate.

Liza Morales (pictured right) was with NBA player Lamar Odom for 10 years. They had three kids together, Destiny, 14, Lamar Odom Jr, 11 and a third child, Jayden, who died at six months old of SIDS in 2006. Liza recently published an open letter in The Daily Beast speaking of her devastation at Lamar's whirlwind romance and wedding to Khloe Kardashian. The letter is as follows..
‘I don’t think I’ll forget the tight knot I felt in the pit of my stomach the morning I received the text message with three simple words on the screen. It read 'I’m getting married’ and it was from the man I’d spent more than 10 years of my life with.
‘Years that included us getting engaged in 2000 and becoming parents to one daughter and two sons. Yet not long after our separation Lamar Odom was getting married to Khloe Kardashian, a woman he’d met four weeks before.’
‘How could the man who’d constantly given me reason after reason for why we couldn’t get married just yet now be ready to tie the knot so quickly? There aren’t words to explain how I felt that day.’
continue to

Tuesday 5 March 2013

SCANDAL: Pastor Chris of Our Daily Manna Devotional Sued For Adultery By Wife

Publisher of popular christian devotional "Our daily manna" and General-overseer of Manna mountain ministry Pastor Chris Kwakpovwe , whose church is located at 8-110 Omotayo Banwo Street Ogudu Ori-oke Lagos,has been dragged to court by his wife Dolapo for allegedly impregnating his secretary and also fathering a child called 'Tijiri' outside wedlock.

The case has been brought before magistrate Folaranmi of court 51,Lagos magistrate court Ikeja. The man of God who just recently completed his multi-million naira church had this to say:
"I have made all efforts to persuade her, I went as far as meeting some of our elders, senior pastors and bishops. I even met redeemed Christian church of God general overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye and all those that are concerned to help me beg her but she refused to come back home. I also wrote to the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) on the issue.."

Father Ties,Locks up Six-Year- Old Daughter for Witchcraft

A 42-year-old father, Mr. Edet Etok-Akpan, is currently being quizzed at the headquarters of the Cross River State Police Command in Calabar for torturing his six-year-old daughter, Edidiong, as a result of a church prophetess’ pronouncement that the girl was a witch.
Edidiong was beaten by her father and locked up in a room with her hands, mouth and face bound for four days before she was rescued by neighbours.
It was learnt that Etok-Akpan started beating her on February 19 after an unidentified prophetess in their church told him that Edidiong was the witch responsible for the stagnancy in his life.
Narrating her ordeal to PUNCH Metro on Monday, Edidiong said after the beatings which lasted for some days, her father on February 21 tied her hands with a cord and bound her mouth with a piece of cloth.

Gay Church Reopens in Lagos

 Homosexuality has been criminalised in Nigeria but regardless of this,Reverend Jide Macauley has reopened his Gay church called House of Rainbow in Lagos.
The Gay church was initially opened in year 2006, but was later shut down as Rev Jide fled to U.k due to threats to his life made by anti-gay Nigerians.
 Here is what Reverend Jide had to say:

For me I have always been gay and I never became gay.
I became aware of my same sex attraction whilst living in Nigeria at the age of seven. Boys flirt with each other unknowing all the time and it was at this stage that I was more aware of my emotional, physical, mental and sexual attraction to boys. I was 14 when I had my first sex with a guy, it was filled with curiousity, passion, embarassment and guilt as will with any heterosexual having sex for the first time.

Friday 1 March 2013


An Indonesian mother was so concerned that her nine-year-old son's small joystick would ruin his life that she drowned him in the bath.

Police in the capital Jakarta said today that the woman, 38, told them her son had a small joystick before he was circumcised but that it was even smaller after the operation.


If you've ever attended an interview at any of the less structured companies/firms in Nigeria, i'm sure you'll be able to relate to this and even if you can't, well its hilarious at the very least. I laughed so hard, e go better..lol

The Diary of  a Frustrated interview (season one) follows the quest of a job applicant Jide Kanni and his ordeal through a series of 5 highly depressing Nigerian Job interviews. It was written and produced by MTV music award winner Jide Rotilu and his brother Bayo Rotilu .
The other interviews when you continue...


I absolutely love this song..but i keep wondering why Nigerian musicians have to define their love for a girl first by describing her "assets"...nawa oh! Enjoy!