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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Dear Spamagic Readers : Can You Have A No-Sex Relationship?

You meet someone and you guys fall in love and there's fireworks all over and then you find out that this person has a principle of not having sex for a period of time,what then do you do? will you wait or end things and even if you decide to wait, how long can you wait ,what is your limit....I day, 1 week, 1 month ,6 months or after marriage?
This is an issue that has been on debate for a while now, so please dear readers kindly give your opinion or stand on the matter.


  1. Well, I think it depends on my motive for going into the relationship..if I intend for it to last n prolly lead to marriage, then I'll wait...if not, I won't make an issue outta a "no-sex" policy, I'll just chill a bit n make the relationship die a "natural death"

  2. No sex simply spells foul play,when u meet someone u really love or have deep feelig for, sex will definitely be involved. Its just the way it is!

  3. Hell no,,, a no sex relationship?? Doesn't work these days.. May be then, during d time of our grand parents... Best I can wait is 3weeks... And after the 3rd strike, am out.

  4. Well it all depends on the individua,but this "no sex"thing has been d greatest scam women has pulled in this generation. I will agree to no sex on these grounds, we must b genueinly inlove with each other&she must she must b a virgin.

  5. I actually think that any relationship without sex is like Dead, my reason is simple, u really need to know ur lover, if he or she is capable of making a good spouse. Am a lady, and I no why I'm saying dis. I vehimently agree that there must me sex in every relationship or else d parties r impotent. 4rm porch.

  6. Aand I have 2 coment again,, if there's no sex, how do I know she can get bear me a child?? We live in a real world pple.and we gotta think and be real... - Anonymos 3

  7. When it comes to sex,it bonds. A relationship must unite both persons, so why don't unite with a bond quickly like almost immediately.

  8. Evangelist Ginika24 April 2013 at 19:48

    I believe the Bible should be our guide in whatever we do especially for christians. So stick to the word of God says on this issue, u can never go wrong.

    1. We can neva go wrong evagelist,, sex is d wright choice- anonymos 3

  9. Hmm.. R u guys jokers.. Sex b4 marriage is wrong period.. If u want 2 u can, but note that God detests such tngs.. Wait untill marriage and God wld bless ur union.. Rmber 4 every sin drs a punishment, so Beware of such sins as fornication.. I know its difficult but we can only ask GOD for mercy and grace.. Luv u guys

  10. Well sex has become da order of da day. Buh da truth still reamins dat u can neva make a man love u by givin him sex in a relationship. Infact wen u dnt sleep with him,he tends to love u more and u both will build on da most important tin which is friendship.remembr men dnt like tinz dat come easy, so wen u say no to sex u get to seperate da rite guyz from da wolves cos a guy who really likes u would wait. Buh wen u sleep wit every guy u r in a relationship wif, u r finished. Sex neva bonds any relationshp pips rada it destroys it.na

  11. First of all relationship is antichrist,God does not recognize relationship or courtship; it definitely brings about sex.When a man sees a woman he definitely knws if dat is his wife or not becos there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty giveth him understanding (so therefore u don't need 2 be in a relationship 2 get married,it brings abt sin)


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